Health and Safety
Aire-Valley Architectural Aluminium Ltd is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees, so far as is reasonably practicable. We also fully accept our responsibility for other persons who may be affected by our activities. We will take steps to ensure that our statutory duties are met at all times and that there are progressive improvements in health and safety performance.

Policy Statement
- Provide safe systems of work
- Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
- Provide a safe place of work with safe access and egress
- Provide for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of all articles and substances used
- Provide a safe working environment
- Provide adequate and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision
Adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained for there to be effective communication and consultation regarding health and safety issues.
Competent people will be appointed to assist us in meeting our statutory duties including, where appropriate, specialists from outside the organisation.
Every employee must cooperate with us to enable all statutory duties to be complied with. Employees have a legal obligation to take reasonable care of their own health & safety, and for the safety of other people who may be affected by their acts or ommisions.
The company’s performance will be monitored to ensure that the health and safety objectives are achieved. The health and safety policy will be regularly reviewed, and, if neccesary, revised in the light of legislative or organisational changes.

View our h&s certificates
Please feel free to download our brochure and PAS24:2016 Certification.
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